Messiaen’s Musical Universe


Messiaen’s Musical Universe

Tom Bell performs three of Messiaen’s great cycles of organ music: La Nativité, Messe de la Pentecôte, as well as the magisterial Livre du Saint-Sacrement in its entirety, plus the early Le Banquet Celeste. These are filmed and recorded at Blackburn Cathedral, home of the best organ for playing Messiaen’s organ music in the UK. In an accompanying four-part magisterial documentary, almost four hours long, biographer and scholar Christopher Dingle explores Messiaen’s life and compositional styles and development in relation to his organ music. This includes footage in which Thomas Lacôte demonstrates the organ of Sainte Trinité in Paris, where the composer was organiste titulaire for 60 years.

Early-bird Discount: Buy Messiaen’s Musical Universe 2xDVD Boxset (£38)

Watch the first 12 minutes of Messiaen’s Musical Universe here:

Watch the end of Dieu Parmi Nous here:

Tom co-presents the documentary with Professor Christopher Dingle, author of The Life of Messiaen and Messiaen’s Final Works. Chris is one of the most authoritative Messiaen scholars in the world. Together they explore the history, style and language of Messiaen’s musical universe.

Original price was: £48.50.Current price is: £38.50.