Shipping and Returns
We aim to dispatch your order within 24hrs of receiving it (Monday – Friday). When we are away filming there may be a shipping delay and we will notify you of the estimated shipping date as soon as we are able.
If you need a tracking number or courier delivery, please email with a list of the items you would like to order. We will email you an estimate of the shipping cost.
Shipping times:
- UK: Next working day (small parcels); 3-5 days (large parcels)
International shipping times can vary significantly, but 99{77f370f5046341f464cc474a94b8a64bb248a479590a78880f338bbe7b862575} of packets arrive quickly and without trouble - Europe airmail: 4 – 15 working days (allow a maximum of 20 working days)
- Rest of world airmail: 5 – 20 working days (allow a maximum of 25 working days)
- Courier: 2 – 5 days, with tracking.
- Express next day guaranteed courier is available to some locations – email us for a quote.
- If your item hasn’t arrived within 25 working days we will file a lost item claim with the postal service and ship a replacement to you.
Items sent outside the EU may be delayed by customs inspection. Local taxes, duties, and a handling or brokerage fee may be applied by the local postal service or courier. Please consult your local customs and/or postal service for details. As the named importer you are solely responsible for paying these fees.
If you find the product is damaged or faulty you can return it within 14 days of receiving it and we will send you a replacement copy. Please email us first to confirm your intention to return the item
The return address is:
Fugue State Films Shop
United Kingdom
If you change your mind about an order within 14 days of receiving the item, and the item is unopened and unused, you can return it for a refund. In this case you will be responsible for all shipping expenses (both the original shipping charge for shipping the product to you, and your return shipping expenses).
Please make sure the shipment is insured for the full value of the item(s) you are returning to us. The financial risk for loss or damage of the product during the return shipment lies with you.
We do not usually accept returns of opened media (this is to protect us from discs being copied, then returned for a refund).
If you have any queries about any of these terms please contact before you order.